Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gunawan - Reading

Bing fire born in 1st Month, plus the combination of Yin + Wu = Fire, make the day master strong and the chart feel hot. The person got strong principals, and sometimes can be stubborn in talking, and emotional, but there are ren water neutralize the hot earth, mean that even emotional and thick head, he always stick to the rules and always have manner.

One of your biggest happines is the relationship between wife and families is build well. Take extra effort to raise kids, but in the end the kids will be someones usefull.

In work place, there are high possibility that colleagues take the achievement from the work you've done, or if do joint in bussines must paid extra cautions and effort to make the system transparance, so that you can minimize the chance of being tricked.

And you got power and authority, f you can use this properly and always be carefull with the moles who want to takes the position, you will be very bright and sparkle, and will achieve anything you want.

Secara garis besar BaZi di atas bagus, karena berjalan di sektor Utara (Air) dan Barat(Metal) yg memproduksi air, sehingga dapat dikatakan orang diatas pasti akan sukses dalam hidup nya, dengan begitu banyak peluang dan dukungan yang baik.

Your chances to be success is very high becos you walking through North sector and West sector Life pillar, which is dominant for water. So use the opportunities well, and take the success.

Life pillar analisys :
30-35 Very Busy, must pay extra effort. even it semms almost no significant welath coming, this will paid in the future, becos here you build your foundation.
35-40 Avoid using too much trick, but stick to the discipline and law in doing things so the bad things cant be happen.
40-55 Peak of the life, everythings go smoothly.

The conclusion is this is a good chart, if use well, peoples with this chart almost all become someones in changes in the companies, or even goverment.

Best Regards.

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