Friday, September 5, 2008

Sri - Reading

Wu earth born at the 5th month, which is peak of the summer, the earth is dry and fried. Plus there are fire combination at all earthy branches and bing at the year. This bazi is very hot ! This person is emotional and thick headed, and sometimes very egoist, mostly this is because the family fondled her too much.

At the first sight, mostly people will have impression that this woman is great and have power, but as the time goes by, the image will fade. This woman highly appreciate her confidence (which sometimes too much), and dont think twice to spend money on this.

In relationship with men, although there are many men coming to flirt her, but in the end, no one will last with her, because the character.

I am so sorry, to tell this, but the 1st thing this woman need is learn to behave, and try to consider all her action before done, and this will be a good achievement in the life.

In health be very carefull with kidney and bladder.


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